We got back a week ago from Reno, NV, it was a good time and the wedding was perfect. Lisa and Taylor looked so pretty in their matching dresses. Taylor had some issues with the sand in her shoes, so she stopped midway down the "aisle" to try to clean them out and then realized she had sand on her hands too. Lisa and Dad ended up going around her to keep the ceremony going. They did break the record with a 4 1/2 minute ceremony! The pictures turned out really good, now they have the fun part of deciding what to order.
It is a good thing there is little humidity in Reno, because I don't think I could have handled the 100+ degree temperatures if it was Minnesota! The sky was a little smoky from the fires in California and a couple of the days it smelled like a campfire every time you went outside, but the day of the wedding it seemed to be a little clearer out than the other days.
I had another Dr appointment last week and had to drink the yummy orange mixture to test for gestational diabetes (Yuck!), seems the test must have come back ok because I haven't heard anything yet. The baby is growing just fine and I have gained another 4 pounds. I should be gaining about a pound a week for the rest of the pregnancy - yikes! That is another 12-13 pounds!
We celebrated my Dad's birthday last night. He is officially a senior citizen! Grandma Snider took us all out for pizza at Steve's. Grandma did not get moved into the Cedars this weekend as planned, but it sounds like she should be able to move shortly. I think she is in pretty good spirits about it, considering she is getting out of St. Mark's, which she hates.
I also found out a week or two ago that my friend Sarah is expecting her second baby in February. Congratulations Sarah and Steve!
One more picture of Lisa and Brian. I have more I will try to put on sometime today or tomorrow.