Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Childbirth Preparation Classes

We had our first Childbirth Preparation class last night. Actually my Mom attended with me, since Chad was "busy". It was pretty interesting, they talked about the last trimester emotions, aches and pains. I realized that I am not crazy, I can be this tired and not be able to sleep! That will only get worse before it gets better!

I have the baby's room pretty much ready to go, well as much as I can without being able to decorate anything. My Mom and I picked up the crib mattress last night and will be getting the crib in a couple of weeks. We have a bassinet all set up and ready to go to use right away.

We have an appointment on Wednesday to tour the hospital and get pre-registered and I also have my 34 week appointment on Wednesday. It will be interesting to see what my blood pressure will be this time. I don't think my hands and feet can get any bigger! It is a good thing I can wear flip flops because that is all I can fit into!

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