Tuesday, October 14, 2008

38 Weeks 5 Days

Well, I went to the doctor today and there has been no change since last week. She did offer to try stripping my membranes to see if that would work, but I decided not to do that. If it did work then I would probably go into labor within 36 hours. Which means, my doctor would be gone, my Mom would be gone and Chad would be working at Big Dog. So, I go back in on Monday and we will schedule a time to be induced on Wednesday. So unless I go into labor before then, I only have one more week to go! I can handle that. I feel better just knowing that I won't go past my due date.

I am pretty positive it is going to be a boy. They hooked me up to a monitor for 20 minutes to monitor the baby's heart rate and movement and the highest it got was the 160's while he/she was moving. The nurse thought that it seemed like a boy's heart rate too, although that is not always accurate with all babies. They had to use a buzzer to wake the baby up at first, but after that the heart rate and everything looked good.

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