Monday, May 11, 2009

What has happened in a month?

Quick update....I haven't had time to get back on and people have now been harassing me because it has been....oh about a month! So here it is!
Ashlyn is doing great! I will have to post her 6 month stats later as I am at work (I know! On break right?) and do not have the numbers. So here is what she has been doing lately....

-Getting used to sitting in her "Big Girl" car seat. I finally found one I like after returning one - I got the Britax Diplomat. She seems to like it. We got the Graco Comfort Sport for Chad's vehicle, she hasn't tried this one out yet, so hopefully she will like it.

-Drinking out of a sippy cup - sometimes - when she is in the mood. This is very messy so we only do water. It took a few "models", but we finally found one that she will attempt to drink from instead of just chewing.

-She rolls everywhere! I think we need to put up the gate soon. Good thing we don't have any power cords within her rolling zone, she did discover one at Grammie's last weekend!

-She will not sit up on her own for more than 10 seconds. I know she can do it, I just don't think she wants to. She uses her Bumbo a lot, but has now tried to escape from it a few times. She gets very upset when she can't get out.

-She will not hold a bottle on her own, although I think she could. I think she likes it better when we do it. I have put the bottle handles on a few times, but she will only do it if I leave the room and she realizes if she really wants it she is going to have to do it herself.

-She has had two ear infections in one month, although she still seems pretty happy. We are now wondering if maybe the first medicine did not work, they gave us something different this time.

-She has 3 weeks left of daycare at Becky's. She will be going to Giggles -n- Wiggles in Mankato starting June 1st. We will be sad to leave Becky's but excited to go to Giggles -n- Wiggles - it looks like fun! She will stay there until she goes to Kindergarten.

-I think she is getting more teeth, she is drooling buckets again. She also is loving chewing on her mesh thing with a ice cube in it. I forgot what they are called, but they are great for teething babies. I guess you can put food in them too, but we haven't tried that yet, sounds messy!

-She had her first biter biscuit the other day, way too messy! She also was able to bite a big chunk off that I had to pry out of her mouth. This will be the first and last box of those I buy!

-She is now wearing 12 month size jammies because anything smaller is too short.

-Most of her 6 month pants look like capri's, good thing it is getting warm out.

-I used her stroller "rain coat" for the first time. Works awesome, looks silly. I should have taken a picture, but it was raining.

-Her favorite toy is this Vtech bee, that is very loud and gets very annoying. It responds to sound and squeezes and has a button on the front. But hey, whatever makes her happy - Daddy will just have to learn to like it!

Ok, that is it for now, I really should get some work done. Monday's suck!
I will try to get some pictures posted later today along with her 6 month stats. And I promise to try really, really hard to update this thing more than once a month.

Happy Monday!

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